
Shawn Kaiser

Consulting Systems Engineer

Data Center

Shawn Kaiser is a Technology Evangelist at Cisco Systems. Shawn’s primary background is in Virtual Infrastructure Architecture and Design and GPU related solutions. He has acted as a consultant for a number of years to help customers realize the benefits of Virtualization, and has experience in assessment, design, implementation and best practices. Shawn’s primary role in Cisco is to support and augment the business unit and field sales resources in emerging technologies and solutions.


January 5, 2015


Build your Ark – prepare for the GPU VDI flood!

Its been 9 months since we first discussed VDI 2.0 and the evolution of how and why GPU is becoming a necessary piece of a modern VDI environment. If you missed that blog, have a look here to catch up on this exciting transition. There have been many confirmations of this shift over the last several…

March 25, 2014


VDI 2.0 is knocking at the door – when will you answer?

As a Cisco Technical Solutions Architect working directly with our customers, partners, business units and watching the evolution of VDI, its becoming more and more apparent that things are about to change in a major way. The model in which we used to sell, design and deliver VDI was based on the en…

March 21, 2013


VDI “The Missing Questions” #8: How does memory density affect VDI scalability?

Can you see it? The end is nigh! The end of this blog series, not necessarily “the end” as in AMC’s the Walking Dead sort of end. Are you Zombie stumbling across this blog from a random Google search? Here is a table of contents to help you on your journey as we once again delve in…

February 28, 2013


VDI “The Missing Questions” #5: How does 1vCPU scale compared to 2vCPU’s?

More and more this novel idea of user classifications and workload profiles is being used to separate VDI user allocations. I’ve worked with many customers who prefer to stack rank their users based on the importance of their role/job function and the typical applications that user needs in th…

February 4, 2013


VDI “The Missing Questions” #2: Core Speed scaling (Burst)

Welcome back as we continue to dive deeper into advanced CPU (Central Processing Unit – I had a “tech writer” change a document on me one time, he assumed at this day in age that people still needed to have the CPU acronym translated.. but I digress) and Memory concepts in the land…